All dancers and families at the Dance Studio of Orange County must strive to be courteous, positive and polite to everyone at all times. Our studio has a zero-tolerance policy for negative behaviors towards others. This includes parents. We pride ourselves on being a cohesive dance family.
Come experience our brand new, beautiful Adagio Marley flooring. Installed to help prevent injuries and absorb energy to keep your dancers safe. Feel confident with our state of the art tumbling mats and assistance devices.
Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. All tuition must be paid via auto pay from a credit/debit card or ACH. No exceptions. Tuition does not fluctuate based on number of weeks, studio/holiday closures or missed classes. A sibling discount of 15% off the total tuition will be given.
A student registration fee will be collected on an annual basis. This cost will be included in your first tuition payment, and every September after that, following the start of our new season. Registration will be $40 per Student.
Any missed classes may be made up in another class of equal or lower level within 30 days of the missed class. Competition Members can only make up a missed technique class in another equal technique class as these are mandatory.
Prior to taking a make-up class, the studio must be notified, and the class approved for your make up. No more than 2 make-ups can be used for any one particular class. We strive to keep adequate class sizes for the benefit of your child. Our studio offers a wide range of classes and times to accommodate your schedule. Make-ups are not designed to be used in place of paying for a monthly class.
Competition Practices are not eligible for make ups.
Any recreational (non-mandatory) class may be cancelled with a 30-day written notice to the studio. Any class cancelled outside of this time frame will be charged the regular tuition rate as scheduled on the 1st and will be cancelled the following month. Our studio tries to provide the best class experience possible, and this includes maintaining our class sizes. Your paid tuition holds your spot in class for an entire month and effects our waitlists. Your adherence to this policy is much appreciated.